
Stream is essentially a fancy Iterator. It implements custom API, which is similar to Iterators's, but is faster and fully specialized for primitives

Once Stream is enabled, Scala collections receive a new implicit method .all, which returns Stream of all collection elements:

import scalqa.Stream.Enable._

val list = (1 to 1000).toList

list    .filter(_ % 2 == 0).flatMap(_ => list).map(_ / 2L).sum
list.all.filter(_ % 2 == 0).flatMap(_ => list).map(_ / 2L).sum

The above two statements calculate same value, but first is done with native List methods, the second uses Stream, which in this case is over 500% faster

If one types .all before doing heavy data transformations, the program will run faster, while using less memory

Calling <collection>.all is similar to creating lazy view with <collection>.view, except Stream is faster and specialized

Generally Scalqa/Stream framework can be useful in 3 different scenarios: